Governance, risk and compliance

Enable business continuity, achieve business goals, and ensure cyber security compliance with an expert team by your side


Drive growth and build resilience

A Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) framework is crucial to managing risk in your organization and provides the foundation to:

Scale with confidence
Minimize downtime, manual error, and support overload for IT managers
Understand the level of cyber security investment needed to protect your business

Our Solutions

Compliance and Audit services

Security and compliance are always evolving. This is why it’s important to have a trusted partner by your side to provide pragmatic advice and solutions.


ISO 27001 Compliance

After collaborating with stakeholders to understand the scope, we will conduct a gap analysis against ISO 27001 and work with you to create a baseline.

We will also conduct internal audits to assert compliance, and prepare all the documentation and proof needed for certification.

Governance and Policy Development

A security policy helps you take control of your information security. It gives employees – both IT and end-users – a solid understanding of what they can and can’t do, and how to act if something goes wrong. This is vital to help prevent deliberate or accidental information compromise, and supports executives in demonstrating due care and diligence.

Our services range from reviewing existing policies for consistency and exploitable loopholes – to aligning policies with standards such as PCI DSS, ISO27001 and NIST, or developing new policies in collaboration with your team.


Access Control Policy

Access control relates to measures that govern authentication (guaranteeing that users are who they say they are) and authorization (users have the appropriate level of access to company data). Access control policies are essential to data security. They are one of the first policies to be investigated after a breach.


Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Policy

Ransomware has highlighted the crucial need for backups to prevent data loss. However, data loss can happen in many ways – such as theft, malicious insiders, and natural disasters. A Disaster Recovery Policy contains detailed instructions and procedures on how to respond to unplanned incidents.


Change Management Policy

Risk arises when critical IT system changes and configurations and updates are not controlled. Change Management provides a structured approach on how to implement change in an IT system. We can help you design a Change Management Policy that aligns with best practices and minimizes risk to your business.


Mobile Device Management (MDM) Policy

Mobile devices are a necessary and universal business tool, yet they often store highly sensitive business data. An MDM Policy establishes rules for how mobile devices (and laptops) are used and secured within your company.


Remote Access Policy

The rapid acceleration of work-from-anywhere has increased the attack surface for many organizations. A Remote Access Policy serves as a guide for your entire workforce, and covers rules about passwords, devices, email standards, encryption standards and more.

Cyber Security Icon

Secure Systems Management Policy

This policy establishes a framework of policies and controls covering security and risk management across the enterprise. It needs to align with your organisation’s risk profile, industry and any compliance mandates, while being clear on exactly what rules people need to follow.


Incident Management Policy

This policy provides direction to ensure a consistent approach when managing and investigating cyber security incidents. It encompasses best practice guidelines (including ISO 27001 and PCI DSS).

Why governance, risk and compliance with Virtuelle?

Why governance, risk and compliance with Virtuelle?


Minimize risk and liability


Satisfy partner requirements


Prioritize spend and activity


Remediate with confidence


Minimise risk and liability


Satisfy partner requirements


Prioritise spend and activity


Remediate with confidence

Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your governance, risk and compliance requirements