Cyber security reviews and strategy development

Understand your security posture, identify gaps and develop a proactive cyber security roadmap


How will your business respond to growing cyber threats over the next 5 years?

The sophistication and financial backing of nefarious cyber entities is ever-increasing, and organizations do not have the luxury of taking a reactive, adhoc approach to cyber risk.

Cyber security is a crucial function which is designed to protect your most valuable assets, and ensure business continuity and compliance.

Driven from the top down, an effective and well-planned cyber security strategy provides assurance to stakeholders while giving IT staff confidence that they know what to do in the event of an incident or breach.

Let Virtuelle help you establish a strategic cyber security program and roadmap that:

 Resonates with executives

 Mitigates risk

 Aligns with business needs

 Is scalable as your business grows

Cyber Security Strategy

Strategic cyber security services from Virtuelle

Audits and assessments

A cyber security audit provides a snapshot of your cyber security posture, with valuable guidance on how to improve it.

An assessment will examine your security environment against select security standards and best practices, to help you focus security efforts on areas that will be most beneficial to your organization.

We can provide:

  • An in-depth discussion about your requirements
  • Audit against relevant frameworks such as NIST and CIS security controls
  • Assessment of governance and technical controls
  • Detailed view of your cyber security maturity
  • Gap analysis and prioritized recommendations

On completion, you will have a practical roadmap with an achievable pathway to enhanced capability and maturity.

Technical security assessments

A technical security assessment helps IT teams understand whether existing systems or software are effective in protecting your organization’s assets. They can also be used to pre-test planned systems and software against security and compliance requirements.

We can provide:

  • Vulnerability Assessments
  • Validation of technical controls
  • Assessment of processes
  • Benchmarking against industry frameworks such as CIS security controls and Microsoft security baseline

Managed Security Services

Augment your team with security experts by your side 24/7

Why Virtuelle?

Why Virtuelle?


Extensive depth and breadth of experience across identification and remediation


Customized roadmap that meets your organization’s specific needs


Engage stakeholders and shine a light on their security obligations


Know your risk profile and identify gaps against current and looming regulation and compliance mandates


Identify and prioritize required security initiatives as part of BAU or wider digital transformation initiatives

Flexible Business Approach

Validate security controls after the implementation of an IT system or software

Discuss your cyber security goals with a free consultation from Virtuelle Security